Whitney Houston
Star’s Net Worth: $21 million*
Annual Protection Cost: N/A
During her lifetime, Whitney Houston starred in a romantic film called The Bodyguard, which was based on the story of a real-life bodyguard who was close to the singer: David Roberts, a Welsh bodyguard with whom Houston developed a personal relationship. Roberts formerly worked as a police officer in North Wales before deciding to pursue a career in personal security. From 1988 until 1995, he collaborated with the vocalist on a total of seven projects. His team dismissed him, which was a shame because he had raised their prescient concerns about Houston’s health earlier in the season. Roberts is now the owner of his own security company in Florida, but he shared his thoughts on Houston in a documentary, stating he believes she would still be alive if her crew had adhered to his advice.

Whitney Houston
Christina Aguilera
Star’s Net Worth: $160 million*
Annual Protection Cost: $1 million*
Because of singles such as “Lady Marmalade” and “Stronger,” singer Christina Aguilera has been a household name since the early 2000s. The singer has amassed a fortune in excess of $100 million, and she spends a significant portion of that fortune on security to keep aggressive paparazzi and fans at away on a regular basis. Anthony Davis, the owner of the company AD Entertainment, is said to have recruited the bodyguard, who appears to be extremely little in comparison to the singer’s size. While on Aguilera’s three-year tour, Davis was in charge of hiring security, which he did in conjunction with the singer. Aguilera has a squad of bodyguards to protect her at award presentations with a large number of fans.

Christina Aguilera