You Might Not Have Known That These Famous Celebrities Are Together

Published on 04/05/2021

Liam Hemsworth and Gabriella Brooks

By now, these two have been in a relationship for more than a year. We can tell that the couple is getting serious. While he is best known for starring in the Hunger Games trilogy, she is a great actress and model in her own right. They hosted a party on New Year’s Eve at his estate in the Land Down Under. From the look of things, she has moved in with him. She also joined him at the family birthday party held in honor of his brother Luke. We would love to know more about this lovely couple!

Liam Hemsworth And Gabriella Brooks

Liam Hemsworth And Gabriella Brooks


Christina Aguilera and Matthew Rutler

In 2009, Matthew Rutler had been serving as a production assistant for Burlesque. This was how he and Christina Aguilera met. The pop star portrayed a girl from a small town making it big in Los Angeles. The couple likes to post on social media, but they do not give away many details. Six years ago, they announced that they were engaged. They did this in a cryptic post on Instagram that had fans curious and excited since Valentine’s Day of 2014. They have a little girl called Summer Rain together.

Christina Aguilera And Matthew Rutler

Christina Aguilera And Matthew Rutler