Was It A Success?
Carlisle, on the other hand, continued to believe that the Purple Paint Law was a success for the most part. In a 2014 interview with KNPN, he said, “It’s a really good law.” We don’t often come across one that everyone can look at and think to themselves, “You know what?” That’s reasonable.’ Purple paint, on the other hand, is a universal color. It’s going on all over the country.” He’s not entirely wrong, so it’s important for people to understand what he’s saying.

Was It A Success?
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
If you spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, you’re probably used to seeing strange things and avoiding them. Some might even argue that this is one of the reasons why those treks are so enjoyable. After all, you never know what’s going to happen next. And if it turns out to be dangerous, well, that just adds to the story later on. However, it’s best to be safe than sorry when it comes to the purple paint.

Better Be Safe Than Sorry