Things That You Must Do Once You See A House With Purple Fence In The South

Published on 07/06/2021

Reclaiming Faith In Humanity

One of the most appealing aspects of viral, non-profit campaigns is that they can help us reclaim our faith in humanity. When current events stories seem to recognize somewhat disheartening topics, they can give the nation something to cheer about if they are timed correctly. And the green light campaign is certainly no exception.

Reclaiming Faith In Humanity

Reclaiming Faith In Humanity


Pure Goodwill

The green light movement, like the Ice Bucket Challenge and Movember before it, is based on the goodwill of ordinary people. It motivates people to take part and express their efforts online by drawing inspiration from their friends, families, and neighbors. They can then join the viral revolution and help raise awareness for a good cause.

Pure Goodwill

Pure Goodwill