At First
What did he see written down there? Well, he saw a five followed by two zeroes. Carlos had a hard time believing they left a tip of $500 for their bill of $112! He was in disbelief. Did they really want to tip her that much? He expressed his gratitude, and the men told him to look at it once again.

At First
One More Zero
Upon closer inspection, his confusion only led to even more disbelief. “I saw another zero,” he said in an interview. His face went as white as a sheet. Meanwhile, Ashley burst into tears, only regaining her composure a couple of minutes later. She then gave them a huge hug. They did not only leave her a tip worth $500, but one worth $5,000! What were they thinking when they did such a thing?

One More Zero
They Gave Back
As it turns out, those mystery men from before, that tipped Ashley, had actually been traveling all over the country, leaving huge tips for hardworking restaurant staff members. According to them, they already tipped $11,500 in Manhattan. News of this group soon spread all over social media. People across the country decided to come forward to swap similar stories. One bartender narrated about the time they got $1,000 in tip for a bill worth $85. Now, what did Ashley plan to do with the tip that she was given?

They Gave Back