They Ask To Settle Their Check Privately, Server Glances At Bill And Realizes Why

Published on 11/04/2019

Just A Job

A lot of servers hold on to their job as a way to pay for the bills. It is not at all a way to get rich quickly unless they get lucky. The latest social media challenge is dubbed the ‘tip the bill challenge’ or ‘tip the bill.’ This is a way for people to join in on the fun, spread the love, and feel good all at the same time.

Just A Job

Just A Job


How To Tip

If you want to do the challenge, it is not very complicated. The only thing you need to do is to order whatever you like and then leave a tip that matches the bill! However, some have decided to take it a step further. It could not have come at a better time. Studies revealed that a tipping slump is happening, even going as far as to claim that nearly half of all diners do not know how much they should give.

How To Tip

How To Tip