The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Captain James T. Kirk’s Future Birthplace- Iowa

There’s really nothing to this place, what you see is what you get. If you’re a fan of True Bloods, you’ll know that the mayor of Riverside, Iowa made this up. He read something about the show and saw that Captain Kirk was born in a small town in Iowa, and self-proclaimed that the small town is, in fact, Riverside.

Captain James T. Kirk's Future Birthplace Iowa

Captain James T. Kirk’s Future Birthplace- Iowa


The World’s Largest Ball Of Twine- Kansas

This is literally just a giant ball of twine. That’s it. There’s nothing else to it. It’s 41 feet in circumference and weighs over 20,000 pounds. That’s pretty awesome, but still, it’s a ball of twine. It’s evergrowing, which is also cool, but still, it’s twine. The coolest part about this ball of twine is that Weird Al Yankovic sang about it.

The World's Largest Ball Of Twine Kansas

The World’s Largest Ball Of Twine- Kansas