The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Wild Bill’s Nostalgia Store- Connecticut

If by nostalgia store you really mean overpromoted flea market, then that is exactly what Wild Bill’s is. Who’s Wild Bill? Great question. Wild Bill is the giant head that is absolutely terrifying, not only to small children but to some (okay, most) adults, as well! We don’t think you should take any special detour to come to this place.

Wild Bill's Nostalgia Store Connecticut

Wild Bill’s Nostalgia Store- Connecticut


Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk- Delaware

It’s actually getting more difficult to find this place overrated because many tourists have started voicing their complaints and fits of anger about how expensive everything on the boardwalk is. Finding a parking space at the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk is next to impossible, and it’s definitely not worth the stress for the quality of fun you’ll have here, anyway.

Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk Delaware

Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk- Delaware