The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Mars Cheese Castle- Wisconsin

There shouldn’t even be a debate- cheese from Wisconsin is the best cheese in the United States. Still, Mars Cheese Castle is nothing special. It’s impossible to miss when you’re driving along the highway, but we don’t recommend stopping if you’re not an insane lover of cheese. Since transforming from a burnt-down gas station to the castle, it’s become the largest cheese store in Wisconsin. Even locals love this place, but it’s always packed.

Mars Cheese Castle Wisconsin

Mars Cheese Castle- Wisconsin


Frontier Prison- Wyoming

This place is not for people who scare easily, that’s for sure. Walking through a prison that was used for 80 years is bound to bring creepy vibes, it’s simply unavoidable. Part of the tour is sitting in a gas chamber, which seems like it may be crossing a few boundaries. Walking the halls of the prison is eerie, and there are definitely dark and torturous vibes going on. If you don’t want your kids to join an interactive prison tour that may give them nightmares forever, we’d recommend steering clear of this place.

Frontier Prison Wyoming

Frontier Prison- Wyoming