The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Wall Drug- South Dakota

Let’s start with the fact that this is just a drugstore. The only thing that’s special about it is that they have a free snake pit inside and huge sculptures along the road. Other than that, it’s a normal drugstore. It became so famous because in 1931 they decided to give away free ice water to customers. In today’s world, it’s hard to tell why that’s so exciting, but in the 30’s it may have been a huge deal. They must be doing something right because they profit about $10 million each year, but truly, it’s just a drugstore.

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug- South Dakota


Graceland- Tennessee

If you are not a die-hard Elvis fan, Graceland likely won’t appeal to you. And even if it does, you’ll probably regret going after you’ve seen what you get for the cost of your ticket. While Elvis is definitely beloved by many people around the world, Graceland is nothing too special. If you’re going for the sake of seeing a cool mansion, there are plenty of better places to visit without such long lines and high ticket costs.

Graceland Tennessee

Graceland- Tennessee