The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Undersea Gardens- Oregon

If you’re interested in paying a lot of money to go into an enclosed space for 30 minutes to watch divers swim in super dirty water, where you may or may not see some fish, this is the place for you. Once tourists realized that they can see some lions nearby, above water, for free, fewer and fewer people started coming to the Undersea Gardens.

Undersea Gardens Oregon

Undersea Gardens- Oregon


The Liberty Bell- Pennsylvania

Almost everyone in the world knows what the Liberty Bell is, thanks to school and Nicholas Cage. Since it’s such an iconic and historic symbol of American history, everyone visiting Philadelphia now wants to go see it. In turn, there are always tourists around snapping photos of the bell, which means that in order to see it up close and personally, you’ll have to wait in a massive line. It’s not that special, and it’s certainly not worth waiting around to see up close.

The Liberty Bell Pennsylvania

The Liberty Bell- Pennsylvania