The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Roswell- New Mexico

Ever since there was a supposed alien crash landing in 1947, the whole city of Roswell decided that aliens would be their new reputation in order to attract tourists. The entire town, literally the whole thing, is based around UFOs and aliens, but in a super tacky way. There are shops and souvenirs everywhere you look- all based on aliens. It’s a bit much, and a bit creepy.

Roswell New Mexico

Roswell- New Mexico


Times Square- New York

Times Square is arguably one of the most stress-inducing places in the entire world. You can’t escape the blinding flashing lights or the deafening sounds all around you, and that’s really all there is to Times Square. You’ll find chain restaurants that are triple the price as they are anywhere else in the country and overpriced souvenirs that you’ll find for much cheaper if you leave Times Square. I’m not sure there’s a single New York local that enjoys being in, or even near, Times Square. There’s so much to do in New York, that you shouldn’t waste your time here.

Times Square New York

Times Square- New York