The Most Overrated Tourist Attraction In Each State

Published on 11/19/2019

Carhenge- Nebraska

Like Stonehenge, but truly not even close whatsoever. Carhenge is a compilation of 39 vintage cars, all painted gray, stacked in the same formation as the rocks at Stonehenge. It seems almost too bizarre to be real, but trust us, it is real. Cars featured here are all different, and some of their collection includes an old ambulance, a pick-up truck, and a Cadillac. Built in 1987, this tourist attraction was purposely meant to imitate the real Stonehenge.

Carhenge Nebraska

Carhenge- Nebraska


The Venetian Gondolas- Nevada

It’s pretty well-known that the entire city of Las Vegas is one giant tourist attraction, between all of the flashy lights, casinos, and hotels, but there’s one tourist attraction in particular that you shouldn’t waste your time with. That attraction is the Venetian gondolas. It costs $116 for a ride, which, is directed through a mall, and the water absolutely reeks of chlorine. If you’re looking for a romantic gondola ride, go to the real Venice, and stay away from the gondolas in Las Vegas.

The Venetian Gondolas Nevada

The Venetian Gondolas- Nevada