Moments Seen In Trail Cams That Needs To Be Explained

Published on 03/24/2021

The Poor Thing Screamed

The deer screams in terror as the lioness’ fangs penetrate deep into its little body. What prompted the lioness to reconsider her choice? Could it be that the deer simply smelled too nice to pass up? He’d half expected it, but it was just typical animal drama, and he knew he needed to keep his distance and wait for whatever occurred next…

The Poor Thing Screamed

The Poor Thing Screamed


Taking A Walk

Fortunately, the lioness was not thinking about what she was going to eat at that moment. She was only attempting to pick up the deer in the same manner in which she would pick up her pups, which was unsuccessful. It looks that she intends to take the little boy with her on her journey. When it comes to this unexpected turn of events, the deer, on the other hand, seems a little taken aback.

Going For A Walk

Taking a Walk