The Most Accurate But Entertaining Historical Films

Published on 11/19/2019

Sophie’s Choice

Sophie’s Choice starring Meryl Streep tells the story of a fictional Holocaust Survivor trying to move forward with her life after facing the most scarring decision a mother could encounter; choosing which of her children would live or die in the Nazi concentrations camps in Auschwitz. Although the story itself is fictional, it is recognized for being overall historically accurate. The conditions portrayed are very similar to that of Nazi Germany including the many prisoners who were crammed together and left to die.

Sophie's Choice

Sophie’s Choice


Joyeux Noel

This film illustrates the French, British and German soldier’s perspectives of the World War I Christmas ceasefire. On Christmas day, both sides gathered on the Western Front and put their differences aside for one peaceful day in the midst of a chaotic war. The film is commended for its panoramic illustration of the soldiers from each of the participating countries. Director Christan Carion admits that he used fictitious characters to tell the story of real events in an accurate way. Based on records, he seems to have done a very successful job!

Joyeux Noel

Joyeux Noel