Police Arrest Young Girl After She Finds 700-Year-Old Coin

Published on 10/20/2019

Safety First

Even if he proceeded carefully, John knew it would be a foolish thing to do without serious preparation. John is, in fact, a fire department captain, so he is well aware of the possible dangers in just climbing down into the underground space. He knew the structure beneath might not be stable. Because of this, he thought of a plan. The only problem was, he couldn’t execute it on his own.

Safety First

Safety First


The Team

John needed some help with the plan he had in mind, so he called up a bunch of his friends. He wanted to make sure he had the backup he needed in case something were to go wrong. With John’s experience rescuing people, he was well aware that if the old lid were to collapse and fall on him, he would be a goner. Before they would be able to explore what was below the surface, there was an important task they needed to complete.

The Team

The Team