There’s No Such Thing as Free Lunch
IVF or in vitro fertilization is not exactly complicated, but despite its popularity, it doesn’t have a 100% success rate. Do you know why else people don’t usually choose it? It’s quite expensive. Nadya, however, did not feel discouraged about all of these factors. At this point, she was already tired of failing. Most doctors recommended fertilizing several eggs in order to succeed in the fertilization process. This procedure entailed additional risk, one that would become significant to Nadya. But would she take it?

There’s No Such Thing As Free Lunch
Worth It
Nadya Suleman also had to consider one very important thing before pushing through with the IVF procedure. If multiple eggs were implanted in the uterus and all of those egg cells survived, this meant that the mother would have more than one baby in the pregnancy. This was actually a very dangerous thing, but Nadya was determined to have that family that she had always dreamed of. It seemed like her mantra was “the more, the merrier.” However, some still argued that having multiple children in a single pregnancy should have scared her, even a little. No one knew what the outcome would be.

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