Catch Up With Octomom And Her 14 Children

Published on 11/28/2018

An ‘Insta-Inspiration’

Nadya has attracted a great deal of positive and negative media attention for her life choices. However, her fans on her social networks look up to her as a strong, inspiring mother and an ‘insta-inspiration’ for their own lives. On her page she has received  encouraging comments like, “I love how you have changed your life and continued college through it all and I absolutely adore that your kids are vegan! Your an inspiration now as a mother of one I need to continue with my masters and or to a PhD”. Another user wrote how “Your dedication and love to your kids is something half of society lacks. I have 3 in a row as a single mom and I feel sorry for my self. I enjoy learning from your story and truly feel more positive about things. Keep fighting the fight”.

An Insta Inspiration

An Insta-Inspiration

Happy And Healthy

In all the photos that Nadya shares, her kids do seem to always look happy and healthy. They are also picture-ready, bursting with energy and have the cutest smiles. She shared this photo during the summer time at her friend’s pool and commented how “It seems like they were just born..Good looking group of kids..” Nadya often posts about how she ensures they enjoy eating a raw vegan diet and often take part in 5K runs together. Maybe this is the secret to their happiness…. In any case, she does look like she’s doing a good job of bringing up some happy and healthy kids!

Happy And Healthy

Happy And Healthy