No One Recognized This Duck Dynasty Star Once He Shaved His Beard
Duck Dynasty enjoyed an 11-season run on the A&E network. That in itself should be proof that it was an amusing reality TV program adored by lots of fans! The show introduced us to the Robertson family, a clan that boasts of strong faith, Louisiana heritage, and a duck business worth millions of dollars. There are viewers who thought of them as the new Beverly Hillbillies, but we daresay that the wild, long beards of the family’s men are iconic! In fact, when one of them shaved his beard off, hardly anyone could recognize who he was…
TV Fame
Jase, one of the Robertson guys, became known for his witty comments and bushy beard. He recently let his fans know that he was about to bid adieu to his famous giant beard. People were surprised to see what he was hiding beneath all that bush. In fact, he looked so different that even his wife was shocked! We hope you are ready to see what he looks like under all that hair.

TV Fame
The Robertson Patriarch
The patriarch of the family, Phil Robertson, is the one who founded the successful duck calling business. A skilled football quarterback when he was a student at Louisiana Tech, he managed to earn a roster spot on a specific NFL team. Can you believe that he turned down the wonderful opportunity as it coincided with the duck hunting season? In 1973, he created his very own duck calling business, which ended up becoming big. This was only the beginning for him, but he could not have known that!

The Robertson Patriarch
Friends With Terry Bradshaw
Due to his athleticism, Phil Robertson was actually picked ahead of Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw during the 1970 NFL Draft. He played as the first-string quarterback for the Bulldogs, ahead of his famous counterpart. When asked about his feelings on his choice to pursue hunting as opposed to football like Bradshaw, he said, “Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks.”

Friends With Terry Bradshaw
Fame By Facial Hair
All the men in the Robertson family have grown out long and unique beards to go with their outdoor southern lifestyle. The facial hair is now considered to be a trademark of sorts and serves as a big part of their duck-hunting business. The beards have become so popular it was almost unimaginable that they would ever choose to shave them. It is why fans refused to believe Jase when he said he would shave it off.

Fame By Facial Hair
The Robertson Family
The show focuses on the members of the tight-knit family. Phil Robertson and his wife Miss Kay became man and wife when she was no older than 15 years old. The two of them welcomed four sons together: Alan, Jep, Jase, and Willie. By now, all of the kids have started families but remain involved in the duck-hunting business in some way.

The Robertson Family
A lot of the grandkids have also become important parts of the show themselves. Willie’s daughter also went on Dancing With The Stars. Even though they are all on good terms with one another, it is still hard to tell how the others would react to what Jase had in mind.

Duck Dynasty Dilemma
Anyone who has followed the show will be very familiar with what has since become known as the Duck Dynasty controversy. This is the time when Phil said certain offensive things while doing a magazine interview. The show was suspended for a brief period because of this. Some people think this was what set off the declining ratings of the show, which then led to the cancellation after 11 seasons. Did this have anything to do with why Jase shaved his beard?

Duck Dynasty Dilemma
The Funny And Good-Looking One
Jase Robertson is the second among the kids of Phil Robertson and Miss Kay. He is now working as the COO of the family business. Did you watch Duck Dynasty? If so, you probably think of him as the best looking and funniest of the bunch. What could be the reason he decided to let go of the beard?

The Funny And Good-Looking One
A Good Reason
Even though all the Robertson men have long and bushy beards, there is no way we can deny the special quality of Jase’s. This is another reason why everyone felt shocked when he announced that he was going to get rid of this facial feature of his. However, everyone does not need to be so shocked. He did this for an amazing reason. Read on to see what it was!

A Good Reason
His Little Girl
His daughter Mia was born with a cleft palate and lip. This is a natural condition that happens when the baby’s top lip does not form correctly and the skull fails to connect with the top of the mouth while the in utero. The good news is that this is not something fatal and can even be treated with surgery. However, there is a good chance that the kid might experience speech difficulties.

His Little Girl
Support From Fans
Mia got surgery to adjust her cleft palate and lip in 2014. Jase and his wife both felt anxious about the operation that their daughter was going to undergo. However, they were also delighted and touched by the support they received from their fans as well! We are sure this helped them with their decision to start a charity to help other kids born with the same condition.

Support From Fans
The Mia Moo Fund
Jase then committed to the act of coming up with funds for the foundation he and his wife planned to launch to honor Mia. They decided on the name the “Mia Moo Fund” for it. How cute is that? Aside from paying tribute to Mia, they also wanted to do something for a cause close to their heart.

The Mia Moo Fund
Setting Their Goals
If they were going to succeed in this endeavor, they knew it was important to raise funds for the charity. That is actually the reason he shaved the beard off! This was a fundraising pledge that he knew would help the foundation. He promised everyone that when the donations reached the hundred thousand mark, he would cut it off. However, Jase still did not know if this was going to be a viable plan.

Setting Their Goals
A New Man
Aside from the excitement surrounding the charitable mission he was undertaking, there was something especially exciting and new for Missy to look forward to. For her, it also offered to opportunity to see her husband without it for the first time in seven years!

A New Man
Beardless Robertson Brother
It is true that most of the men in the Robertson family donned facial hair, but there was an exception to the rule. The eldest child, Al, had been clean-shaven during the entire run of the show. Jase trimmed his beard several times in the past as well, mostly between filming so that it would be grown out for the cameras. However, he last went without a beard seven years ago.

Beardless Robertson Brother
People With No Beards
The loyal supporters of Duck Dynasty were shocked when they heard about the pledge Jase made. After all, he once said something about what the beard meant to him in a previous episode. This was the same man who once said, “There are two kinds of people without beards, children and women, I am neither.” Did he still feel the same way even though he has finally agreed to go cleanshaven?

People With No Beards
Desire To Be Anonymous
However, it was not the first time the Duck Dynasty personality considered going without his facial hair. In 2013, during an interview, Jase wondered out loud if he should shave off his beard when the show wrapped up. It was not for charity but for the desire to become anonymous. He always had fans coming up to him for a photo. He was under the impression that this was no longer going to common if he got rid of his beard.

Desire To Be Anonymous
Time To Say Goodbye
Although we cannot deny how noble it is to shave off his beard for a cause, this was a decision that he had to carefully consider. He appeared to experience some difficulty about coming to terms with such a drastic change. After thinking the matter through, Jase decided that it was more important for him to help the advocacy and charity.

Time To Say Goodbye
A Minor Disadvantage
It is practical for duck hunters to sport long beards since it is an effective way to camouflage oneself without resorting to any external gear. This now would pose a new problem for Jase since he hadn’t needed to worry about this concept until now. Regardless, he had his eyes set on something far more important than easy hunting.

Minor Disadvantage
Problems Came With It
While the beard came with certain advantages, there are also times when the facial hair gave him a bit of hassle. Jase once had to undergo an additional search when he was going through the airport because of it. The beard was longer than usual as the season just ended. Security conducted a mandatory search.

Problems Came With It
Mistaken For A Caveman
After he was thoroughly searched by the personnel, people stopped him to ask for autographs. He got to talk to a young boy as well. Jase eventually noticed that the boy was not a fan of the show at all. In fact, the child was convinced he was a Geico caveman. After going through all of that at the airport, perhaps he felt convinced that it was time to shave the beard at last.

Mistaken For A Caveman
Thanks To The Beard
Jase and his unique beard are invaluable assets to the family business. He is a hard-working and dedicated man, so it is not out of the question for him to have $10 million to his name! While he could probably retire right now if he wants, he turned his attention to a worthy cause instead.

Thanks To The Beard
After The Show
Now that Duck Dynasty is no longer on the air, Jase wanted to spend his time with his loved ones. He created a website called “CamoFix”, which is his personal platform to keep fans updated on what is happening in his life after the show. Jase has since appeared at various Christian events and gatherings to show his support. He now has a lot of free time on his hands, so he decided it was time to do something he has always been passionate about.

After The Show
Making The Announcement
In June, Jase let everyone know that he was cutting off his iconic beard. A lot of fans expressed their shock about his plans. Jase and Missy even appeared on the Fox morning show to tell everyone his plans and the motivations behind it. They even set a date for it by then: September 4. Apparently, Jase already told his barber about getting rid of the beard. Can you believe that Missy no longer remembered what her spouse looked like without it? It was going to be an exciting event for Duck Dynasty fans, that much was certain. Who knew the time would come when Jase would appear without a beard?

Making The Announcement
A New Look
Jase knew that the big shave was going to cause a fair amount of fanfare among the fans, so he decided to use Facebook live on the special day. His wife made sure to capture every last detail when his husband sat down in the barber chair. Meanwhile, his friend went to work to get rid of the beard and style his hair to go with his cleanshaven face. We are sure you want to know what the family thought!

A New Look
Waiting Impatiently
Fans logged onto Facebook to watch the live feed of Jase’s face being shaved clean after having a massive beard for so long. As you can imagine, those who were watching it live were waiting with bated breath for the final result, but they weren’t the only ones doing so.

Waiting Impatiently
Her New Husband
There was a world of difference between the way Jase looked with and without the beard. When he was cleanshaven, he also looked a lot different from the rest of the Robertson boys. Everybody felt happy about the result, but we doubt anyone will beat Missy in that department! According to her, Jase looked like a different person – and she liked it! She went to Twitter and even reported that she was now flirting with him more often with the new look he had. We can understand where she’s coming from!

Her New Husband
Growing It Back
Even though everyone knew that there was a good chance he would only grow it back, they did not fail to appreciate the new look. While it might mean a rougher time during hunting season, we are sure he was pleased by the reaction of his wife. More importantly, he managed to raise a lot of money for the sake of the foundation. His family was proud of him for what he accomplished.

Growing It Back
Clean-Cut Kids
We know it might be hard to believe, but the Robertson boys used to sport a clean-cut look! Shocking, isn’t it? Well, you are in for a treat because they all looked so handsome in those days!

Clean-Cut Kids
The Boys Before
Just look at this photo to see just how much the Duck Dynasty stars have changed since they were kids! Jase, Jep, and Willie certainly look like they were cooking up a lot of mischief when this was taken.

The Boys Before
Sergeant Si Sans Beard
Si Robertson himself once rocked the cleanshaven look at one point! We will admit that we probably would not have recognized him. We are sure he was one dashing sergeant. Do you like this look on him?

Sergeant Si Sans Beard
Marriage Through The Years
Wow, it seems like Missy was telling the truth! Jase did look like a different person when they just got married. We can now understand why Missy was so happy when he did the big shave at long last.

Marriage Through The Years
All Smiles
Who would have thought that these people would someday go on to become reality television stars? This is the cast of Duck Dynasty back in the day. Isn’t it mind-blowing to see what they used to look like? The difference is actually quite stunning!

All Smiles
Young And Smitten
Let us have another throwback photo of the couple when they were both younger. If you ask us, they are the perfect representation of what American sweethearts look like. What a lovely photo this is!

Young And Smitten
Island Joy
As you can see here, the lovebirds had a blast when they went on vacation together. This lovely old photo of them is giving us awesome tropical vibes. While they no longer look like this, we still love it.

Island Joy
Phil Of The Past
Apparently, Phil looked like an angel when he was only a young man. Who would have thought, right? We wonder if he already had an inkling that he would sport such an iconic beard when he grew up!

Phil Of The Past
Controversial Comments
Phil Robertson has always been a fan of free speech, but on some occasions that has landed him in what some people might call ‘hot water’. When being interviewed by GQ Magazine, he made controversial comments about homosexuals. He said, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”

Controversial Comments
Defending His Comments
Despite all the backlash, Phil had some follow-up comments to those that he had said earlier in the interview. We’re not sure that they were any less controversial though. He said, “We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus—whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

Defending His Comments
Eminem Wannabe
Ooh, will you look at that! We are sure that Stan would have liked it better if this photo did not into our hands. The Duck Dynasty star looked like he just appeared in a music video for an Eminem song.

Eminem Wannabe
Mischievous Little Kids
During one interview, Willie said that he and his brothers grew up “rough and tough…it created us to be independent and real confident.” We bet none of these four kids had any idea that they would someday run a duck hunting company worth several million dollars. When this was taken, they had other things in mind.

Mischievous Little Kids
Back In The Day
Jase used to be pessimistic when it came to the success of the show. He said, “We grew up real poor. There were four boys and my parents in a two-bedroom house. So I cannot believe this.” The young men in this photo were all still clean-shaven. They probably did not know what was coming for them.

Back In The Day
Happy Together
Willie had the opportunity to talk about marriage and family in yet another interview. He explained, “Our marriage has been tested: tons of kids, growing businesses and working with family on both sides. And it’s withstood all that. You either melt and crash or you become strong. We’re strong.” The whole family was enjoying a nice time at the beach when this photo was taken. Willie’s hair is just iconic!

Happy Together
No Way
When it comes to Willie, he does not plan on ever getting rid of that glorious beard of his. Unlike Missy, his wife Korie does not seem to care that she won’t see his cleanshaven face again anytime soon.

No Way
Making A Killing
Phil, the Robertson clan patriarch, made it big in the field of duck hunting. Aside from that, he also used to be big on the football field! Below is a photo of him during his glory days as a football player. When you factor in how successful and wealthy he now is, it sure seems like he made the right call in the past.

Making A Killing
Professor Phil
We know that it is hard to imagine Phil as anything but a duck hunter, but he used to have a different job. He and Miss Kay once taught at their local high school. And no, he did not have a beard back then.

Professor Phil
Remaining There
Back when Phil and Kay Robertson were still young adults, they opted not to move out of their home state of Louisiana. They stayed there and went on to make a business empire for the sake of their kids and grandchildren. We doubt they knew what the future had in store for them.

Remaining There
The Beginning Of The Beard
Phil started to grow out a beard when the boys were all in their teens. The Robertson dad has not been without it since then! After the boys were done with high school, they opted to grow their own beards.

The Beginning Of The Beard
High School Kid
When Willie was in high school, he was known for his prowess on the basketball field. He went on to become the CEO of their duck hunting enterprise. Could his great smile have anything to do with his incredible net worth of $25 million?

High School Kid
A Winning Yearbook Smile
Korie, his wife, said that their youngest child Bella does not know what her father looks like without that beard of his. She might not see it in person soon, if ever, but at least she can look at his old yearbooks!

A Winning Yearbook Smile
Passing It On
Willie did not take over as the CEO of the duck hunting business until his kids were a little grown up. Although his beard has obscured the view of his dimples, they are pretty prominent. We are glad to hear that Sadie and John Luke both inherited the lovely features.

Passing It On
Family Photo Fun
Jase and Missy were high school sweethearts and clearly meant to be together. The photo on the right shows them not too far into the relationship. In the first photo, they were joined by Cole, Reed, and Mia.

Family Photo Fun
Missy Robertson’s Mission
While you might picture hunting and camouflage when you think of the Robertsons, it’s worth mentioning that they have other charitable projects that they devote their time and money towards. One such example is Missy, who advocates for women who have suffered from homelessness, addiction, and sex trafficking.

Missy Robertsons Mission
Prom Photo
On the other hand, Korie and Willie met when they both went to a summer camp in the third grade. They were just in their teens when they tied the knot! Korie narrated, “We were together probably three months before we started talking about it, and then we got married within a year — I was 18 and he was 19. No one was pregnant!” They sure look happy and adorable when this prom photo was taken.

Prom Photo
Unwinding With Uncle
Sadie Robertson used her Tumblr blog to share this cute photo of her and her uncle Jep. It went viral soon after she made the post. The Robertson family has a lot of fans, but this young girl is especially so.

Unwinding With Uncle
Doing It Right
Willie’s son John Luke decided to go and follow what seems to be a family tradition in the family. He also started growing out a beard of his own! Doesn’t he look just like his father in the photo below?

Doing It Right
Tying The Knot
Just recently, John Luke tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend by the name of Mary Kate. Their 700 guests flocked to the family farm to watch them get married. The two both went to Liberty University. They want to start a family of their own soon.

Tying The Knot
Faux Pas
Although there are plenty of people who love our Duck Dynasty stars, it seems like not a lot of people appreciate their fashion sense. Apparently, the Trump International Hotel in New York City once kicked Jase out because they thought he was homeless!

Faux Pas
Low Expectations
During an interview with Fox, Jase admitted that he didn’t think the show would actually make it: “I was one of the ones who said the reality show would never work…We were in the hunting world. I had this perception of reality shows that you had to have all this friction and fits of rage and four-letter words…We’re pretty calm compared to that…We’ve got some crazy characters in our family — but I didn’t think people would want to see that.”

Low Expectations
Supporting The POTUS
Back in the 2016 presidential campaign, Willie had been a big supporter of the then-Republican candidate. Of course, we are talking about none other than current POTUS, Donald Trump. We bet he was over the moon when he heard the election results.

Supporting The POTUS
Supporting The Military
You might take this for granted already, but Jase Robertson is a big supporter of our men and women in uniform. He uploaded this eye-catching picture of himself with military personnel to his Instagram account, with the caption “Hanging out with USA’s finest during airport weather delay. #thanksforyourservice.”

Supporting The Military
Meeting Barack Obama
In 2013, Korie and Willie Robertson were both invited to the White House Correspondent’s dinner. When they attended the event, they had the opportunity to meet the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. Apparently, he is a big fan of Duck Dynasty!

Meeting Barack Obama
Political Friends
Korie and Willie Robertson are actually friends with Lara and Eric Trump! During the 2016 elections, the couple even donated to the Trump presidential campaign. Let us hope we see the day that Eric Trump takes the cue from his friend and grows out his own beard.

Political Friends
Al The Wild Child
Do not make the mistake of thinking that Al is conservative simply because he has decided to go beardless. The truth is that he had a wild past. Maybe his lack of beard is a sign of rebelliousness!

Al The Wild Child
A Tragedy
In the previous year, the family grieved the loss of someone important to them. If you are a loyal follower of the show, you must have noticed how tight the family is. They always support one another when one of them was going through something tough. There is simply something moving about the way they honored and mourned their late family members.

A Tragedy
Welcome To Robertson Row
Many of their family members reside close to each other in what they call the “Robertson Row”. It is a cul-de-sac of their own, complete with eight houses. The Robertson siblings occupy four of these abodes. The rest of the houses go to their close family friends and extended family members. Armed with this information, you can probably tell they had a hard time when a family member succumbed to cancer. It was not easy for them at all.

Welcome To Robertson Row
A Sad Day
One of the homes in “Robertson Row” serves as the residence of Chrys and John Howard. They are the parents of Korie Robertson. They are important parts of the family and have even appeared on Duck Dynasty a couple of times in the past. The show’s fans know that the Howards are loving and supportive parents and grandparents. When one of their cousins passed away after suffering from cancer, the entire clan mourned with them and gave them their support.

A Sad Day
Fighting Cancer
Willie and Korie were only children when they met each other while attending summer camp. Chrys, the Camp Ch-To-Ca director, was actually a long-time friend of Phil and Miss Kay. When her family member passed away, she decided to go to Instagram to honor her cousin. Here is the caption that accompanied the post she made: “This past week one of my cousins, Glenn Durham, lost his battle with cancer and gained his heavenly reward.” We can only hope that the support of the Robertson clan managed to help her move forward from the terrible ordeal.

Fighting Cancer
Meeting Again
In September 2013, the Louisiana Tech Football paid tribute to two former quarterbacks – Terry Bradshaw And Phil Robertson. Other than the great honor that was shared that day, the two were reunited and took an iconic photo holding jerseys with their names on for the cameras.

Meeting Again
Camouflage Couple
Jep and his wife, Jessica, showed the world just how much they love camouflage. Jessica’s Instagram account received a lot of attention after she uploaded this picture with the caption, “Talk about a #tb pic…. seriously!!!!!! Anyone else love camo this much???

Camouflage Couple
Camouflage Convertible
Willie has taken his love for camouflage a little further than most would expect. Not only does he love to dress in full camo regularly, but he also got himself a custom-made camouflage convertible. We bet you’ve never seen a BMW convertible with this kind of paint job!

Camouflage Convertible
Speaking Duckinese
Jase earned himself quite a reputation on the show. Whether it was due to his frog hunting abilities (he calls himself “a frog’s worst nightmare”) or his interesting ability to speak “Duckinese’, he became an easy favorite on the show. It’s no wonder everyone was so keen to see what he would look like without his beard.

Speaking Duckinese