Allan Houston
Allan Houston was leading the New York Nicks to victory when he suffered knee injuries that ended his career. However, he remained with the team in spirit, and more importantly on the salary cap. Although he was out for the entire 2006-2007 seasons, he was still the league’s second-highest player. The NBA decided to create a new regulation; all teams were granted a one-time amnesty, allowing one contract to not be counted towards luxury tax.

Allan Houston
For hundreds of years, sports have been a massive part of people’s lives, and naturally with that comes incredible athletes. Of course, the sporting world has many ups and downs but a lot of the time, there are moments that definitely need to go down in sporting history. Luckily we have the technology that allows so many of these greatest moments to be captured so that people can reminisce years down the line. Let’s take a closer at some vintage photos of the greatest moments in sporting history.

Vintage Photos Of The Greatest Moments In Sports History