40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Samaesan Hole

Thailand is one of those places that most people want to visit. It has even made its way onto a lot of people’s bucket list. It is home to some of the most beautiful scenery, food to die for (especially to those who are allergic to nuts), and of course, gorgeous beaches. However, there is one part of Thailand that you might want to avoid. It’s called the Samaesan Hole. The Samaesan Hole is one of the deepest areas in Thailand for diving. The hole is very dark that at some point, has zero visibility. This can easily lead to being lost in the sea. Obviously, it is no place for novice swimmers as you might easily forget which way is up. If you don’t know what we mean, let’s just say that this could be extremely dangerous.

Samaesan Hole

Samaesan Hole


Lake Karachay

This beautiful lake is located in central Russia. However, it is one of the most toxic lakes in the whole world. You might be wondering why such a lovely body of water is toxic. Well, this is due to the pollution that the Russian government caused when they dumped toxic waste into this lake during the time when there were no regulations to such a heinous act. The result is deadly. The lake’s toxic nature could kill anyone swimming in it within an hour. Luckily, the Russian government has started taking steps to fill in the lake with concrete to avoid such deaths. This, in turn, would make the lake non-existent which can unburden the parents in the locality as they would no longer need to warn their children from swimming in the lake.

Lake Karachay

Lake Karachay