40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Mumbai, India

India is known to having some of the most stunning beaches in the whole world. However, it is also known to have some of the most toxic. The main culprit for this is the careless push for industrialization in the country. This change in people’s social practices has created a lot of industrial waste and most of it is dumped in India’s bodies of water. This has become one of Mumbai’s problem. Their once pristine lakes have literally become cesspools. The locals near bodies of water have dumped their waste products in the water as well, increasing its level of filth. So, unless you want to bathe in pure liquid waste, we suggest that you find another place to swim in. You will thank us for this later.




Chowpatty Beach, India

Even though there are no sharks or dangerous currents at Chowpatty Beach in India, it has earned itself quite a reputation. Due to the high amount of dumping on the beach, the water, as well as the sand, has become lethally polluted. This beach has collected debris and waste from salvaged ships.

Chowpatty Beach India

Chowpatty Beach India