A Mini-Giraffe
Although giraffes, like other animals, can have dwarfism, the photo of a giraffe with dwarfism that has been used on the internet multiple times is a fake. Although giraffes, like other animals, can have dwarfism, the photo used on the internet is a fake.

Una Jirafa De Miniatura
A Platypus That Appears To Be A Toy
This is the first time since the introduction of Baby Yoda that such a large number of people have become fascinated with a single adorable baby thing. If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, let us introduce you to the infant platypus. This very adorable life form began circulating on social media earlier this week, delighting anyone who came across the fragile little bubble in their feed. One problem, though, and unlike Baby Platypus, it is a significant one: Baby Platypus is not living. Those cute little crossed eyes don’t really see anything, because he was never born. It was all a scam, of course.

A Platypus That Appears To Be A Toy