Amazing Diwali Lights
Diwali, which for some coincides with the harvest and Fresh Year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings, the triumph of good over evil, and the triumph of light over darkness. It is celebrated throughout India and other parts of the world. It is believed that the word Diwali derives from the Sanskrit word deepavali, which literally translates as “rows of lighted lamps.” Diyas, little oil lamps, are used to decorate the interiors of homes, stores, and public spaces. Additionally, fireworks and candy are enjoyed by the public, which is why it is particularly popular with children. In Ayodhya, Hindus commemorate the homecoming of the deities Rama and Sita to their homeland after a 14-year exile. The day the Mother Goddess Durga defeated a monster named Mahisha is also observed as a national holiday. Despite this, we do not believe that they were observed from space as previously reported.

Amazing Diwali Lights
Photographers Flee From A Ferocious Bear
A shot of a bear rushing after a group of National Geographic photographers would undoubtedly pique the interest of everyone. Even the thought of being in such a perilous scenario makes me feel sick to my stomach. As we’ve already demonstrated, there’s no use in believing everything you see on the internet. Fortunately for these photographers, the bear in the snap was captured using a stock photograph that can be found simply online….

Photographers Flee From A Ferocious Bear