The Real Deforestation
Recently, the hashtag #10yearchallenge went widespread, with people from all around the world sharing their experiences of how they have changed over the course of ten years. Some people decided to use the hashtag to alert the public to the catastrophic influence that humans are having on the environment on which we live. Deforestation is one of the most serious environmental challenges facing the world in the twenty-first century, and it is exactly what people have attempted to warn us about. Unfortunately, the photograph that was used to propagate the message was a fabrication: the before and after photos of a completely cut-out rainforest were in fact two different versions of the same shot.

The Real Deforestation
3,2, 1… We Take Off
A wonderful photo of a space shuttle tricked many people once more, and it soon gained popularity as a popular image to post on the internet. Several users expressed dissatisfaction with the necessity of even retouching the image with Photoshop, given that the original is already excellent as it is. A growing number of people are learning to utilize various picture editing applications on a daily basis, which is leading to an increase in the number of fraudulent photos being taken. Unfortunately, because so few people investigate their sources, those photographs soon become viral. In order to keep you entertained, Bored Panda has created a list of phony viral photographs that have deceived internet users all around the world. Some of the modifications, which range from marijuana in space to bears chasing cyclists, are so expertly done that it’s difficult to believe they are false, even when the original image is next to it.

3,2, 1… We Take Off