Here Are The Things You Should Know About Former FLOTUS Melania Trump

Published on 04/07/2021

Sharing Some Of His Habits

It looks like Melania has adopted many of Donald’s habits. The New Yorker said that she “appears to have internalized many aspects of Donald’s culture.” For one thing, she does not drink alcohol like him. She does not make remarks that criticize him, even if it is silly things that she could joke about. You can’t even bait her into joking about his hairstyle! On top of that, the magazine said, “she has taken on her husband’s signature pout.” However, she did tell CNN this in the past: “I don’t agree with everything that he says, but you know, that is normal. I’m my own person; I tell him what I think.”

Sharing Some Of His Habits

Sharing Some Of His Habits


Not An Easy Job

We are sure that it is not easy to be the First Lady. Americans tend to have a lot of expectations for the first couple. Donald and Melania have not fit into the mold. For one thing, she chose to delay moving to the White House for a few months. On top of that, there was the time when she was at the Capitol for the first State of the Union address of her husband. She broke tradition by going there separately from him! Melania instead rode with the guests she invited to the first lady’s box.

Not An Easy Job

Not An Easy Job