This Man Declared That He Came From 2030 And Surprisingly Passed The Lie Detector Test

Published on 04/22/2021

Polygraph Test

As the name implies, a lie detector is an instrument that detects various markers about a human to ensure that they are not telling lies. This is because when we lie down, certain elements in our bodies change. Our blood pressure and heart rate rise, our breathing quickens, and our skin conductivity goes up. They aren’t completely reliable, and if someone is lying a lot, this is a great place to find out.

Playing Tricks?

Playing Tricks?


Playing Tricks?

Many people have attempted to deceive the device, but the machine eventually detects that something is faulty with what they are telling. As previously stated, lying for an extended period of time while tied on a lie detector is incredibly difficult and requires a great deal of practice and concentration. This machine has helped to catch a lot of fraudsters. Noah’s story would turn out to be quite unique.

