This Man Declared That He Came From 2030 And Surprisingly Passed The Lie Detector Test

Published on 04/22/2021

The majority of people would give anything to be able to travel back in time. Consider all of the options available to you. You could win the lottery, invest in the right companies, warn yourself against falling in love, and so much more. We’re going to talk about a time traveler today. A man who claims to have traveled back in time from the year 2030 to make some very bold predictions that have left many people speechless.

Are They Real?

This Man Declared That He Came From 2030 And Surprisingly Passed The Lie Detector Test


Are They Real?

Our story begins on YouTube, which is where the most surprising things happen. A few years earlier, videos surfaced of a man attempting to persuade the universe that he is a time traveler. He wasn’t just claiming to be from the future; he also claimed to have irrefutable proof. Noah was his name.

Are They Real?

Are They Real?