Mother Breaks Silence When She Learns School Put Her Daughter In “Jail”

Published on 06/02/2020

Mother Breaks Silence When She Learns School Put Her Daughter In Jail

As the dictionary says, school is an institution for education. Another definition says that school is an institution at which instruction is given in a particular discipline. School should be a safe place for all – teachers, parents, and of course students. However, it seems like this particular school that we are going to talk about was not a safe place for a student at all. There might now be several questions floating in your mind: What did the school do? Was the kid hurt? What happened? The answers to all of these questions would be known as you keep on reading. 

Disciplinary Actions

In school, especially for the younger ones, there would always be chances that a kid would misbehave. Well, they are young people who are still not that aware of what is wrong and what is right. However, every wrong action must be corrected that is why schools implement various disciplinary actions such as putting them on detention or making them miss break time. Of course, the intensity of these kinds of punishment depends on the age and capacity of the learners who would face it – for example, young children should not face a very serious punishment the same as what 18-year-old students experience. 

Disciplinary Actions



In a young child’s case, detention simply means that a child would undergo the supervision of a teacher. To further explain the process of detention in elementary schools, children must stay in a room under the supervision and guidance of a teacher or their guidance counselor. During their whole stay in the detention room, they are given extra work to be done that serves as the consequence of whatever they have done wrong and out of conduct. In other schools, children are just tasked to finish all their assignments in the detention room; however, the negative effect is that they missed all the lessons they should have learned that day. Detention should just be that simple. However, it seemed like Rock Ridge Elementary School crossed the line.
