Freezing Fox Found
Not all the animals they find hiding in ice date back to thousands of years ago. After all, even the more common animals can freeze in the right weather conditions! That was the fate of this fox. No matter how cute one is, the ice-cold Arctic waters can still come for you and freeze you to death. This critter was discovered by a hunter in some German lake. Apparently, he also came across a wild deer and boar before finding the fox! Rumor has it that the preserved fox is now on display at a hotel in Germany.
Frozen But Alive
There are times when the things they find are not even dead! Apparently, these incredible discoveries are the results of normal environment changes instead of frozen mishaps. For example, alligators can survive in freezing circumstances for a certain amount of time! They can thank their physiology for letting their internal organs survive in frozen waters. Don’t you wish we can also hibernate temporarily?