30+ Scientific Findings Found In Ice That Will Fascinate And Terrify You At The Same Time

Published on 04/28/2019

Shelter Building

Rare wood occasionally makes its way to the ice patches as well. The nearest tree to the site was a couple of miles away, which means it was first stripped and carved before it made it all the way to the ice patch. Scientists think it might have been used for shelters back in the day.

Shelter Building

Shelter Building


Birch Baskets

Scientists also discovered a well-preserved birch basket in an ice patch. Although this is not particularly mysterious, the finding revealed information about the people who made it and why. The basket was discovered in 2003 and believed to be 650 years old! It came with a 2.3-inch rim and sloped edges. The weaved pattern revealed the creativity and brilliance of the tribe where it came from. No plant material had been used and the weaves were folded into wood panels.

Birch Baskets

Birch Baskets