30+ Scientific Findings Found In Ice That Will Fascinate And Terrify You At The Same Time

Published on 04/28/2019

Bacteria From Beyond

Another weird find would be the old bacteria in the ice. Recent specimens have dated back to nearly 250,000 years in the past! Meanwhile, they also discovered a chunk of ice believed to be 8 million years old. There is only one type of bacteria with the ability to survive this level of cold: those with spores. These features basically let them hibernate and survive extreme external conditions.

Bacteria From Beyond

Bacteria From Beyond


Bad News Bacteria

However, there are bacteria that are latent in ice. They are typically more dangerous because we have never been exposed to these strains. In Siberia, reports say that anthrax reemerged in nearby small towns for this very reason. Bubonic plague could possibly be hiding in the permafrost as well! Yikes.

Bad News Bacteria

Bad News Bacteria