Dentures From The Dead
Before wooden carved teeth were used for dentures, one had to look for a person who no longer needed their own set of teeth. Of course, only the dead gave up theirs. In the 18th century, dentures came from dead soldiers. It sounds morbid now, but this did not bother the people who had to use them back then.

Dentures From The Dead
Snail Slime As A Sore Throat Solution
These days, you would probably make tea with honey to cure your sore throat. In the past, doctors had to resort to a different measure. Doctors used to make a mixture of snail slime and sugar! With a 1:1 ratio, they created a sweet syrup that coated the throat and cured the cough. While rather similar to honey, we still feel rather disgusted.

Snail Slime As A Sore Throat Solution