Before Toilet Paper Was Invented
Did you know that the Chinese had been the first ones to use paper for sanitation? However, toilet paper only became widespread in 1857. Before this, people resorted to using rags, wet cloths on sticks, leaves, and even their bare hands. Knowing this, you should feel thankful that TP is now the norm!

Before Toilet Paper Was Invented
Women Ruined Their Hair In The Name Of Fashion
Ladies ruined their hair to keep up with the trends in the ‘20s. They experimented by making makeshift curling irons. They used round iron shafts that they heated over coals with the use of wooden handles. It did not have temperature control, which led to burnt hair. The smell was even worse since they used petroleum jelly, which smelled like glue, for the curls! Washing right away was out of the question…

Women Ruined Their Hair In The Name Of Fashion