The Nobility Put Lead On Their Faces
These days, people find sun-kissed skin more beautiful than pale skin. However, the reverse was true in the past. A fair complexion meant that one did not work under the sun in the fields, which is why noble me and women painted their faces. However, white paint was once made of pure lead, which was poisonous and ate away at the skin. The more they used it, the more they had to cover it up.

The Nobility Put Lead On Their Faces
Rotten Teeth As A Status Symbol
In the Elizabethan era, only wealthy people had access to refined sugar. Teeth that were rotten, falling out, and covered in gingivitis were essentially a status symbol. The lower classes even faked gingivitis to look richer. Dental health was not such a big concern back in the day.

Rotten Teeth As A Status Symbol