Try Not To Be Put Off By These Hygiene Tips From The Past

Published on 09/11/2019

They Burned Wounds To Stop The Bleeding

People used to believe that closing wounds by burning them helps with healing. This began during the Middle ages when cauterization was the norm. There was nothing complicated about the logic behind it. All they knew was that the bleeding stopped when they burned the wound. However, cauterized wounds were prone to infection, so it only made the situation worse. We are glad to hear that this trend has since died out!

They Burned Wounds To Stop The Bleeding

They Burned Wounds To Stop The Bleeding


Graham Crackers Fought Off Lust

We bet you had no idea that this was the case! They invented graham crackers to fight off any feelings of lust. Apparently, the crackers were intended to be bland enough that you completely forget about desire whatsoever after eating them. We doubt that there was any science behind this, but consumers bought the lie anyway. Graham crackers continue to be very popular today, although people like to add marshmallows and chocolate to them now.

Graham Crackers Fought Off Lust

Graham Crackers Fought Off Lust