Eating With Fingers Was The Norm
They did not have silverware during the Middle Ages. Do not believe movies that show medieval people using spoons! They actually ate using their hands since these were the only tools that they had on them. Sometimes, bread was even used as a utensil before they scarfed it down. Now, we all know that folks back then did not have the best hygiene properties…

Eating With Fingers Was The Norm
They Performed Surgery Without Sterilization
Until the 19th century, people did not know about the existence of germs. Of course, people got sick, but no one understood why. When someone fell sick enough to undergo surgery, they did not sterilize the equipment first! It is astounding to learn that surgery was being performed hundreds of years ago before they even learned about germs. Skeletal records also showed that the Mayans and other ancient civilizations performed brain surgery and other advanced operations!

They Performed Surgery Without Sterilization