Flowers Covered Up Foul Odors
We know have the ability to shower each day, put on deodorant, and apply perfume. There was a time when these things were not the norm. Showering so much was considered wasteful, which is why people carried flowers to mask their musk. This practice was so popular that the phrase “nosegay for a small bouquet” became the norm. Maybe you should start wondering what people mean when they give you flowers!

Flowers Covered Up Foul Odors
Eagle Dung Was Supposed To Help With Pain
Things were not easy for women of the past. It was not only the fact that birth control methods were not very reliable. There was also the matter of childbirth pains. Women received a mixture of oil, vinegar, and eagle dung to make labor easier. Times have changed a lot since then. While childbirth will never be easy, it is definitely somewhat more comfortable now.

Eagle Dung Was Supposed To Help With Pain