When it comes to personal hygiene, mankind has come a long way. The people who lived before we did had to get creative when they had to keep themselves clean! You might have a face wash with kale extract, but they did not have these things in the past. Are you ready to hear what our ancestors used before? Prepare yourself because more than a handful of these things are downright nasty!
Families Used The Same Bathwater
In the Middle Ages, Christianity emphasized bathing as a way to stay clean. Even though rich families had no problems heating a lot of water for the bathtub each night, the less fortunate could not. This is the reason families shared the same bathwater. The order normally went from the oldest to the youngest, so the smallest child would have been using dirty water by then!

Families Used The Same Bathwater
Lye And Chicken Dung For Baldness
If you are a history fan, you might be familiar with the strange remedies people used. However, nothing will beat the time people used chicken feces to address baldness. “The Path-Way To Health”, a medical book from the 17th century, told men to wash their heads with a combination of chicken manure and lye. We doubt that this worked since lye is poisonous and alkaline!

Lye And Chicken Dung For Baldness