They Called The Police When The Stench From The Abandoned House Became Too Much

Published on 08/08/2019

The House Looked Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Apart from the unbelievable stench coming from the house, the place did not look anything unusual from the outside. It was quite big as well. No one would have guessed that there was a dark secret hiding inside this structure… It was so quiet inside the house that it felt eerie. Everyone was also wondering why a nice house like this one ended up getting abandoned. They looked around for any signs that it was for sale but found none.

The House Looked Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

The House Looked Nothing Out Of The Ordinary


Time To Go In

As the experts and police went inside the house, they started to feel lightheaded thanks to the intense stench. They were engulfed in the foul odor, but they did not have any other choice but to continue going deeper into this house. They had yet to discover where the smell was coming from. Everyone on the investigation team looked around for explanations. Randrianjafizanaka suggested that the smell might be coming from animal waste. Did she hit the mark with that comment? Let us find out.

Time To Go In

Time To Go In