They Called The Police When The Stench From The Abandoned House Became Too Much

Published on 08/08/2019

They Called In Some Backup

The next thing they did was get in touch with the authorities. They let the officers know just how big of an issue the smell was becoming. After hearing this, the officers had a theory about what was causing the stench.

The Return Of The Stench

They Called In Some Backup


Time To Investigate

After they got the call, the officers started to do their duty and launch an investigation on this house. They took several neighbors with them so they can navigate the area properly. They had no idea what they were going to find inside the house. The police officers did not sure what they were about to discover, so it was important for them to make the necessary preparations. Should anything go awry, they had a team of specialists with them. Among others, there was a wildlife expert and a medical examiner there.

Time To Investigate

Time To Investigate