Good Luck Stifling Your Laughter Once You See These Silly Headstones

Published on 07/23/2020

He Will Come Back For His Things

This guy was certain that he was going to be reincarnated and did not want anyone to touch his things. Well, we just hope that he would have a human form again. After all, he would not be able to do anything about his stuff if he gets reborn as a bee instead. At any rate, this entry is pretty special because it was the only one that referenced the possibility of reincarnation!

He Will Come Back For His Things

He Will Come Back For His Things


Laughing It All Off

We are not going to fault this guy for his epitaph of choice. After all, it must be a relief that he can laugh at himself from below the ground. We are sure that he was a great guy with an awesome sense of humor if he can find something funny in this situation. “Pushing up daisies” is a nice idiom, but wouldn’t it be nice if he also meant it literally?

Laughing It All Off

Laughing It All Off