Good Luck Stifling Your Laughter Once You See These Silly Headstones

Published on 07/23/2020

No Answers, Only More Questions

This is actually a pretty cool piece of work, but we have no clue what it was going for. Surely, there was a reason the family had it built? At any rate, we are having a tough time figuring out what they wanted to say with this statue. Why is there a disembodied head there? Why is the person lying down holding it up? How are they related to each other? Unfortunately, we have no answers to these questions.

No Answers, Only More Questions

No Answers, Only More Questions


In The Hole Literally And Figuratively

We always admire honesty and self-awareness. It might have taken this person their own death before they got there, but the realization is a powerful one. Every single one of us has made mistakes in the past, so this is even funnier and more relatable. We love the punchline about being in the hole! What makes it even funnier is that it was right on the ground instead of standing upright. This only drives the point home.

In The Hole Literally And Figuratively

In The Hole Literally And Figuratively