Good Luck Stifling Your Laughter Once You See These Silly Headstones

Published on 07/23/2020

Not The Most Flattering Poem

At first glance, you might not think much of this poem. Not only that, but you might even think that it was sweet of this person! When you read between the lines, however, you are going to realize that it was closer to an insult than it was to a compliment. We just hope that this woman shared the same sense of humor. Otherwise, we are sure that he is going to be in for a hard time when they reunite.

Not The Most Flattering Poem

Not The Most Flattering Poem


An Old Computer For A Geek

If you have ever interacted with a computer geek, you would understand why this makes perfect sense. People in this field can get worked up over the industry! We have no doubt that this person loved computers more than anything else when they were around. If you ask us, this is actually a pretty nifty idea. We also love the fact that they went for a bulky PC that no one really uses in this day and age.

An Old Computer For A Geek

An Old Computer For A Geek