Good Luck Stifling Your Laughter Once You See These Silly Headstones

Published on 07/23/2020

When a person is laid to eternal rest, the headstone is supposed to immortalize their time on earth. It is only fair to assume that the relatives will choose something meaningful to remember their deceased loved ones, but this is not always the case. There are times when they think that it is more fitting to go with one last joke. We know it sounds macabre but just wait until you see what some of these headstones say! Not to sound morbid, but you might want to come up with something this witty for your own headstone in the future.

It Could Be Better

People always tell you to dream big, but who told you that you had to limit this to the time you are alive? There is no reason to settle for a normal tomb when you could have gotten a pyramid instead. We can understand the disappointment here. After all, it is quite basic. They could have at least given this person a pyramid-shaped headstone. A little more embellishment never hurt anyone!

It Could Be Better

It Could Be Better


No One Else Can Have It

When you consider how much furniture costs, we can see why this person was very attached to this chair. It is hard to let go of the perfect chair even after death. Most people will simply pass on their valuable belongings to relatives, but the deceased did not want anyone else to have this gorgeous piece of furniture. We have to say that we can see where they were coming from.

No One Else Can Have It

No One Else Can Have It