She Was In Sports Illustrated
Paige, of course, was featured in the magazine Sports Illustrated. In 2018, the golfer appreciated the magazine’s cover. In an interview, she told everyone the reason why she participated in the magazine: “I’m so honored and humbled to be included. I’m still shocked to be completely honest. But they stand for everything I believe in, which is the empowerment of women, body positivity, being able to love yourself for who you are. They allow women to feel sexy if they want to feel sexy no matter what they look like or what size they are. I think that’s an attitude that everyone should have.”

She Was In Sports Illustrated
She’s Also A Writer
This woman is so gifted. Besides playing golf, she’s good at something else, and that’s writing. She is currently writing a column every month for Golf Magazine-she began in mid – December 2018. When their Golf Digest contract came to an end and was not updated, Golf Magazine gave it a deal.

She’s Also A Writer