Chills Went Through His Body
After he experienced dead silence, when he heard a loud noise it terrified him. Just like that, he knew that there had to be somewhere else in this room with him. He took his flashlight and pointed it right to where he thought he heard a noise, but of course, there was nothing there. He continued trying to look at all of the writings on the wall, but then he heard a loud sound of metal banging against each other and he felt an ice-cold breeze on his neck.

Chills Went Through His Body
He Sprinted
He almost felt as though he had just gone through an ice bath; all of the warmth in his body seemed to escape, and he felt nothing but cold. At first, he thought the cold breeze was coming from behind him, but then he felt it on both of his sides and in front of him. He had no idea where it was coming or what was going on, but he was terrified. He started to sprint for his life.

He Sprinted