The Godfather Was Inspired By A Mob Boss, But There’s A Deeper Story Behind The Film

Published on 07/23/2020

Not A Common Criminal

With the power to plead the Fifth Amendment of the U.S constitution, Frank, with no hesitations, agreed to speak. While having the hope to differentiate himself as to what he truly is, he showed that he wasn’t a common criminal. He also refused to tackle his finances because it will reveal to the court that he is doing something that would throw him into prison. Because of the act that he showed in front of the constitution, he was then convicted in a case of contempt.

Not A Common Criminal

Not A Common Criminal


Attempted Assassination

For the next ten years, Costello served his time in jail in various prisons located inside the United States. And when the time came that he will be free coming out from prison, he was then targeted in an assassination attempt charged unto him. Because of what is happening around him, including all those killing attempts that were made to him, things proved out as to be too much for a man who spent ten years of his life inside the prisons of the United States.

Attempted Assassination

Attempted Assassination