Who does not know about Gilligan and the rest of the S.S. Minnow castaways? The show Gilligan’s Island is so popular it has managed to rake awards even years after the final episode was released on television. You might have watched all the reruns. But do you know every behind the scenes details about it?
Gilligan’s Island
For three years, the cast of the hit sitcom Gilligan’s Island has made a TV history together. Though shorter than other TV series, the show has become of a household name due to decades of reruns. For a long time, the crew has kept delicious secrets under wraps during the filming. However, we have dug these secrets. Find them out here! Some of them will really surprise you.

Gilligan’s Island
No Outfit Repeats
We all know that Ginger and Mary Ann were only taking a three-hour tour around the S.S. Minnow before it was shipwrecked, and they were stranded on an island. However, in every episode, both of them always seemed to wear a different outfit. Where did all the clothes come from? Had they actually packed lots of clothing? Did they borrow from Wentworth Howell? Or had the creators just hoped we won’t notice this flaw?

No Outfit Repeats