She Studied At Le Cordon Bleu
While Giada was studying at UCLA, her mind kept wandering to Italian food. Her love for the cuisine wasn’t only because she loved to eat Italian food, but because she also loved to cook it and was quite good at it too. Once she earned her degree from UCLA, Giada applied to the prestigious, and highly competitive culinary school ‘Le Cordon Bleu’ in Paris. Luckily, she was accepted and her time there allowed her to learn technical methods and helped her master her skills to become a world-famous chef.

She Studied At Le Cordon Bleu
Her First Job Was In LA
Giada’s career took her back to Los Angeles. Soon after she started working, her name set the LA restaurant scene abuzz and in no time, one big name restaurant came calling. Spago, a prominent California cuisine restaurant that was owned by Wolfgang Puck, hired her as a chef. Giada then transitioned into becoming a food magazine stylist, getting her bearings and figuring out her spot in the industry. Giada soon figured it out.

Her First Job Was In LA